Жанр для інтелектуалів

A genre for intellectuals

Look into the future

The difficulty of the fantasy genre is that writing about the future is the most difficult. You have to think through a lot of technical aspects to make it look, on the one hand, fantastic, and on the other - believable. It is not for nothing that most authors in the genre were inspired by the study of exact and practical sciences.

For example, the writer Stanislav Lem, one of the most famous science fiction writers, who, by the way, was born and raised in Lviv, studied at the medical faculty. H.G. Wells, the founder of modern science fiction, worked as a mathematics teacher at the school. Isaac Asimov, inducted into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame, had a degree as a professor of biochemistry.

With this approach, it is not surprising that in a flight of fantasy combined with science, these writers were able to predict the appearance of headphones, portable players, headsets, social networks, ultra-modern flat-screen TVs, cars with artificial intelligence, ATMs and, of course, flights to Mars. So, reading science fiction, you get a chance to really look into the future.

From idea to book

As you can see, writing a fantasy work requires considerable preparation. But this is not enough for the book to get into the hands of readers. For this, it needs to be printed. Publishing fantasy is a considerable challenge for a publishing house. After all, fans of this niche genre are quite picky. A poorly translated or poorly designed book will immediately meet with harsh criticism. However, it seems that the publishing house "Navchalna kniga - Bohdan" knows how to do it right so that fans of fantasy and fantasy get full intellectual and aesthetic pleasure from their books.

We present to your attention a selection of the most popular works worth reading in the genre from foreign authors:

  • "Amber Castle: An Illustrated Guide" by American writers will introduce you to the culture and mythology of Amber, tell you about the Labyrinth and the Courts of Chaos;
  • "Expansion" is a series of science fiction novels with a fascinating plot, excellent design, and high-quality translation that will not leave anyone indifferent. It will be a real decoration in any home library and a wonderful gift;
  • "The Sky of the Singularity" is a novel by British author Charles Strauss;
  • will appeal to those who like works with a lot of scientific terminology, dark humor, and subtle literary and cultural allusion;
  • "Metro 2034" is a post-apocalyptic novel that describes the lives of people after a nuclear war.
  • "The Wheel of Time" is a series of fantasy novels by American writer Robert Jordan. It is this series that is considered the second most dramatic, right after "The Lord of the Rings".

The most iconic works by Ukrainian science fiction writers:

  • "Real Journey" by Oleksandr Levchenko will tell about virtual travels, reveal interesting characters, and entertain with a stunning plot;
  • "Hard Men's Work" by Radiy Radutny will immerse you in the world of unpredictable worlds and adventures of heroes. It will be a wonderful pastime and a break from household chores and worries.

And if you are new to the world of fantasy works, then this TOP 10 will be a reliable guide for you:

  1. The Hyperion Songs cycle by Dann Simmons;
  2. "A Canticle for Leibowitz" by Walter Miller Jr.;
  3. The Expansion Series by James Corey;
  4. "Solaris" by Stanisław Lem;
  5. "The Old Man's War" by John Scalzi;
  6. "The Sky of the Singularity" by Charles Strauss;
  7. "Curse zone" by Roger Zhelyazna;
  8. "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams;
  9. "The Greenhouse" by Brian Aldiss;
  10. "Achelerando" by Charles Strauss.

Follow the latest publications and get acquainted with the entire range of the publishing house on their page: www.bohdan-books.com

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